Have you had a cough that has lasted weeks, months or even years? Do you often have to clear your throat after meals? Do you cough more or have to clear your throat more when lie down?

Well even if these symptoms began when you got a cold or a flu; if they are lingering they may be a symptom of acid reflux.

In this week’s episode I explain how an irritation to your esophagus can cause the cough or the throat clearing. Let’s mention the basics right here:

When you swallow food it passes down this tube called your esophagus. At the bottom of your esophagus is the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). This sphincter allows the food to pass into the stomach and also prevents it from sliding back up again. There are many people that develop a weakness in this sphincter for various reasons. You can learn more about that here: https://www.drjasonpiken.com/root-causes-of-acid-reflux

So if your food has the ability to enter your stomach AND slide backwards, or the acid in your stomach (which is completely healthy and you shouldn’t try to get rid of), escapes into your esophagus you may get full blown symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux OR you may experience different symptoms like burping, bloating, a dry hacky cough or the need to clear your throat after eating meals.

The main purpose of this video is to make the viewer aware that this is a problem that should NOT be ignored. Too many people brush off these annoying minor symptoms and then later develop bigger, more complicated problems. If you, or someone you know is always clearing their throat or coughing then you need to look for a doctor that can tell if you actually have digestive issues. If you are diagnosed with acid reflux, GERD, non-acid reflux (described in this diary) then most likely you will be prescribed a medication. Sometimes these medications are necessary but I really hope that you don’t just blindly listen when anyone tells you to take a pill/potion/lotion.

Get educated and learn about the risks of covering up your symptoms without addressing the causes.


3 Steps to Relieve Acid Reflux Naturally (No More Meds!)


3 Steps to Relieve Acid Reflux Naturally (No More Meds!)

Dr. Jason Piken

Dr. Jason Piken is a Chiropractor, Certified Nutrition Specialist and Health Coach who offers a unique holistic and whole body approach to nutrition and wellness.

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